By Nway / MPA
Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun eulogized the courage and self-sacrifice of the women resisting military dictatorship during a speech at the United Nations.
Despite the junta army utilizing sexual violence as a weapon of war and as to threaten, systematically targeting women, women’s rights defenders are at the forefront of resisting the military, fighting to eradicate the military dictatorship, and endeavoring to establish a federal democratic system, highlighted forefront of resisting the military, fighting for the end of dictatorship, and working to establish a federal democratic system, highlighted Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun, Permanent Representative of Myanmar to the United Nations, in a UN meeting held on October 16.
“Recently, it’s becoming more common that women are participating in the armed resistance on the battlefield. In the beginning, it was rare. Women are also actively participating in the revolution in various roles and sectors,” said Kyar Khin Sein, a representative of the Myaung Drone Force (MDF) told MPA.
Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun further acknowledged that women have increasingly taken on leadership roles and shown involvement not only in democratic movements—peaceful protests and non-violence but also within the National Unity Government (NUG) and other key sectors compared to the past.
Despite the security risks, the majority of civil society groups and women’s rights defenders continue to participate in documenting information and reporting on the atrocities committed by the military, including sexual violence in conflict areas, highlighted the Ambassador.
Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun also emphasized that women and girls in Myanmar deserve equal opportunity to access a future where their rights are fully protected and where their abilities are recognized alongside the rest of the world.