By Nway / MPA
In Sagaing Region, false reports that the People’s Defense Forces (PDF) had encircled the town prompted the military council to launch no fewer than nine airstrikes, according to reports.
Following these false reports, Kanbalu Pyu Saw Htee militia leader Warthawa requested air support, which led to a bombing attack by two K-8W fighter jets from Tada-U Air Base around 5 PM on September 9, according to People’s Defence Comrade spokesperson Ko Htoo Khant Zaw (Amay’s Thar).
“There were no battles at all. Warthawa and pro-junta lobby channels requested air support based on misinformation, claiming the PDF had surrounded Tabayin and attacked. So, they came and randomly bombed areas where our comrades were supposed to be stationed, but there were no casualties,” he told MPA.
The airstrikes caused damage to civilian homes in Tabayin, according to reports.
“Since the military retook control of Tabayin, they’ve burned down homes, and now, with these airstrikes, many civilian-owned houses have been destroyed,” he added.
Tabayin was initially seized by joint defense forces on the morning of August 18. Later that day, the military launched airstrikes and airlifted reinforcements via helicopters, forcing the PDF to withdraw.
Since the evening of August 18, the junta’s troops have maintained control of the town.