By Nway / MPA
Following the attack launched by PDF forces, the military council has barred all entry and exit to Madaya for four consecutive days.
On the morning of September 24, defense forces attacked the military outpost from Panya Village located in the northern part of Madaya, Mandalay Region. Following the attack, the exit and entrance gates of the town remain closed as of the morning of September 27, according to a resident from the western part of Madaya.
“The town’s two main gates have been closed as of this morning since the clash broke out. One first through the northern gate to reach Mandalay from Mogok via the highway road and continue to Mandalay after passing Madaya,” the source told MPA.
Food supplies are being transported to soldiers stationed in Madaya from military camps in nearby villages and Pyu Saw Htee strongholds.
“People have been fleeing the town for days, and most of the shops are closed. The military is getting supplies from Pyu Saw Htee militia villages and other camps,” the source added.
Madaya has two main gates, one to the north and one to the south. Those traveling from Mandalay must pass through the southern gate to enter the town.
PDF offensives have gradually been approaching Madaya, prompting non-CDM staff to flee since July, according to the local source from the eastern part of Madaya.
On July 31, MDY PDF issued a statement claiming control over 35 military outposts in Madaya Township and continuing the offensive on other remaining military targets.