It is reported that 30 different weapons were captured while People Defense Forces (PDFs) captured the MOGE Yaenanhmaw outpost (well-1 production camp) in Gangaw township, Magway region.
No.1 Military Division announced that the MOGE Yaenanhmaw outpost (well-1 production camp) and Yaenankyin outpost located in Kyaww sub-township, Gangaw township had been captured on 15 August.
During this seizure, General Thaw Zin Aung from No.23 Defense Equipment Factory of SAC and 12 others including Deputy Police Chief Ko Ko Aung died, and Warrant Officer (2) Win Myint Htun from No.23 Defense Equipment Factory of SAC were arrested.
From this battle, over 2,600 bullets of various kinds, 7 mines, 6 bombs, and some military equipment in addition to 30 different weapons were captured and a PDF comrade died.
That attack was operated by cooperation of No.1, 7, 11, 12, 14, and 19 battalions in Gangaw district, All Burma Students’ Democratic Front (ABSDF), No.4, 5, and 6 KKG battalions, Drone Force in Gangaw district that named Hyper UAV Force, and People Defense Teams of Kyaww sub-township by the command of Gangaw District Command Office.