By Poe Sagle / MPA
According to the statistical data, a total of 17 civilians died and 35 injured due to airstrikes by the State Administration Council (SAC)’s army on cities of Northern Shan state where there were no battles.
Cities bombed by SAC’s army are Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) and Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA) controlled Hsenwi, Laukkai, Kutkai and Namhsan cities and death and injuries mentioned above are collected data from 14 July to 12 August.
Around 12:00 PM 12 July, SAC’s army launched airstrikes on TNLA controlled Namhsan city and bombs exploded in Electrical Office, Court, Moegal ward and Myolel ward as well as a man died and a woman injured.
“Aircraft hovered one or two times and scouted. We didn’t think they would bomb. Very soon, I heard an explosion. I was so scared and didn’t know what to do. Then I woke my family up and prepared to go down to the village with my family. We can’t stay there. Others also run to villages. There is no connection either. We just arrived where we can use the internet,” a local man from Namhsan said.
Moreover, while SAC’s army bombed TNLA controlled Kutkai city with a 500-pound bomb on 5 August, 400 shops in the Myoma market of no.5 ward were destroyed, 69 civilians died and 12 injured.
Some locals of no.5 ward have to move to Namhpakka, Mieyotelay, Myopyin areas due to the airstrike on Kutkai. Moreover, according to locals, the prices of goods dramatically rise after the airstrike and the price of a liter of petroleum cost 15,000 Myanmar Kyat (MMK).
“ Some people who fled didn’t come back till today. There are some movements of people. The morning bazaar is also open, just for a short time. They open for the locals to be able to buy food. It is not Myoma market. It was open near the park. We don’t know how the situation will change. The fled ones don’t dare to come back,” a local man from Kutkai said.
Moreover, SAC’s army launched 4 airstrikes on MNDAA controlled Hsenwi city from 14 July to 1 August and 8 civilians died, 20 injured and over 30 houses destroyed.
Again, SAC’s army frequently launched airstrikes on Laukai city from 14 July to 1 August and 2 civilians died, 2 injured and 9 cars, hotel and houses destroyed.
Similarly, People from Nang Hkam are worrying because SAC’s army scouts daily with scout aircrafts and according to locals, Nang Hkam Myoma market is open till 11:00 AM.
Relating to the situation of airstrikes by SAC’s army on cities of Northern Shan state where there are no battles, MPA tried to inquire TNLA and MNDAA, which are members of Northern 3 Brotherhood Alliance, via phone but they didn’t answer.
In the first and second phases of Operation 1027, Northern 3 Brotherhood Alliance capture 16 cities including Hsenwi, Laukkai, Chinshwehaw, Kunlong, Kutkai, Kyukoke, Pang Hseng, Manton, Namtu, Namhsan, Monglon, Monggaw, Monekoe, Nang Hkam, Phaunghsang and Konekyan cities.
After these captures, there was a ceasefire by interference of China but SAC’s army attacked Northern 3 Brotherhood Alliance controlled cities with airstrikes and so the battles were restarted as second phase of Operation 1027 in June.