A postpartum woman who needed emergency medical treatment was killed before reaching the hospital as the junta column raided two villages, Salingyi Township, Sagaing Region.
When Ma Thida Aye aged 32, Kangone villager, Salingyi Township, was bleeding for her childbirth and was preparing to be taken to the hospital at 10:00 a.m. on March 29, 2 military vehicles entered the village. So, residents had to flee to safety and the road was closed. As a result, she died on the way to the hospital, according to local residents.
“This woman (Ma Thida Aye) started her childbirth at 2:00 a.m. She was bleeding a lot. She was no strength. Sayarma (nurses) were also on the side of the war refugees, so it was inconvenient for them to go to work on time. But a nurse came and did what she had to do. Then we carried her to the bank of the Chindwin River to be sent to Monywa Hospital. At that time, 2 military vehicles had arrived in the village. People were also fleeing war, so it was difficult for us to carry her. Not long after being put in the ambulance, she passed away,” said a local social worker.
The family of Ma Thida Aye who died is poor, and she left behind a 4-year-old child and a newborn baby.
The junta troops on 2 military vehicles are still stationed at the monastery in Kangone Village and Ayegone Village until today (March 30).
“Two military vehicles entered Kangone first. Then one of them entered Ayekone adjacent to Kangone. When two military vehicles entered, all the people of Kangone had to flee. In Ayegone village, only men flee. Those junta soldiers have not done anything yet. They told the people that they were clearing the area. No one has yet entered the village of Kangone,” said an official from the Strike column of villages along the Chindwin River.
It is reported that Ma Thida Aye’s dead body was completely buried on March 29.