The junta troops shot dead five residents from Taung Pai Ward (Southern Ward) of Mongmit Town, Northern Shan State, according to local residents.
While six local residents trapped in a bomb shelter due to an airstrike by the junta planes at around 4:00 p.m. on January 21st were running, they were killed when the junta soldiers on the ground opened fire.
“It is not close to the junta’s strategic hill camp, but junta soldiers are stationed in the Taung Pai Ward office, buildings in the town, and houses on street corners. This incident happened near the ward office. Five people were killed, and one was wounded in the hand,” a woman who knew about the incident and fled from Mongmit Town, told MPA.
He explained that the deceased are 70-year-old retired teacher Bayda, blind Set May, Than Naing, 50-year-old Win Lwin Oo, and 40-year-old Mon Mon Naing.
During the battle of Mongmit Town, the market and houses of Mongmit Town were destroyed due to the airstrikes and heavy weaponry by the junta forces, and there were about 80 bodies of civilians and soldiers, according to local residents.
“The bodies can’t be picked up. Even though the fighting is so intense in Mongmit Town, it is said that there is a rape case. But there is no phone line or electricity, so I don’t know for sure who that is and how it happened,” said a woman close to Mongmit Town.
As a result of the fighting, more than half of the town of Mongmit has been destroyed, and there are still people trapped in the town.
The joint forces of KIA, ABSDF, and PDF have been attacking the bases where military council troops are stationed in Mongmit since January 18.