According to his wife, the Insein Military Court has sentenced hip-hop singer Byuhar to 20 years in prison for criticizing the SAC regarding the power outage after the military coup.
“He was just sentenced the order this morning. At first, it was only charged with section 505, and section 124 was charged in addition. All were sentenced to 20 years in prison. It was decided by the Insein Military Court. Now he is in Insein. His health is good. How can the mind be good? And he is not allowed to meet his family either,” a singer Byuhar’s wife told MPA.
A singer Byuhar was arrested on May 25 after criticizing the issue of regular electricity outage in Yangon on his social networking page on May 23.
“Firstly, I only know that he was sued by section 505. The maximum penalty for that section is 3 years in prison. Now, if he is imprisoned to 20 years, it is because of a section of the Counter Terrorism Law. They will sentence him due to his father is grudged more than his son Byuhar. He is like father and son, they will do it a little more aggressively,” a legal advisor commented to MPA.
His father, U Naing Myanmar, has also confirmed to MPA about the imprisonment of Singer Byuhar. A singer Byuhar was imprisoned to 20 years by the Insein Military Court almost 3 months after he was arrested and detained, and according to the initial investigation, he has not been seen by his family.